Tuesday, February 18

Evil Dead Rise Movie Review: Scary movie, will make you scared of blood but still you will enjoy this horror

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Evil Dead movie is a story of a possessed woman. More details about her if you want, you need to watch the movie. Nice acting by the cast and nice makup and setup for this horror movie. This movie also has a really suitable BGM to present the fear and horror emotions of this movie.

Even the book story of this movie presented so nice. Logically, you need to leave you brains aside and watch this film. This movie is shot inside a single apartment and yet this film they have presented horror in a marvelling way.The child superhero in this movie was also good to watch.

The VFX of this movie is so goog that it looks real. The possessed woman and her performance, her portrayal on screen was so fearful, dangerous and threatening. This movie is a horror movie with a lot of jumpscare moment. You will really enjoy this movie if you love the horror genre.

You don’t necessarliy need to watch the previous movies of the Evil Dead RIse Franchise inorder to watch this movie. You will enjoy this movie and understand this movie even if you are a newcomer.

I had a nice time, a scary expereince watching this movie and recommend you also to watch the film. I rate Evil Dead Rise movie 4 stars out of 5. Duration of this movie is also not much long 1 hour 36 minutes. I suggest you to watch this movie. Watch my video review of the movie in Hindi below:

CInematography and shooting of this movie is top notch, shows, violence, brutality, blood and horror. Climax of this movie is good. But only one complain I have that after the story buildup you have fast rushed to the climax. In the between, you will have a bunch of different questions, how this happened and all. These questions will be left unanswered.


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