Saturday, February 15

Chiranjeevi says rumours of him detected with cancer false

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Chiranjeevi recently put an end to rumours surrounding his health that had been saying that he is suffering from cancer. Fans of the actor started worrying about the actor.

Chiranjeevi took to his twitter account to clear the air around his health topic which was discussed by people and fans who were worried about him. Chiranjeevi said that the rumours surrounding his cancer treatment are false. He said in his tweet in Telugu that he underwent a regular colon scope test during which he was detected with non cancerous polyps which were identified and removed.

He clarified that he undergoes routine checkups to take precautions well in advance and advised his well wishers to also take precautions and undergo regular medical tests. He said that he took the test that is why he came to know about the non cancerous polyps well in advance so he could get it removed. He said to his fans that taking precautions is always impotant.

He also expressed dissapointment with certain sections of the media for spreading the rumour of his cancer ill-health withour proper knowledge of the matter. He urged journalists to understand the subject clearly and then report to the public so that it doesn’t cause panic among the audience. He asked people to stop spreading baseless information about his ill-health.


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